Friday, July 2, 2010

Packing Up For The Weekend

My session with therapist this morning was very draining and I don't much feel like continuing my last post right now.

My husband wants to take our family up to the mountains this weekend. I must say that I am very relieved and excited for this trip. This also means no Internet so no use taking my laptop!

Is it normal to feel like you have no time in your sessions with your therapist? I feel like I get there and then I'm already leaving. Where does the time go? Before I just thought it was me "zoning out" and not wanting to be there but now I find it slightly annoying. Therapist tells me that my personalities are talking with her, which is good right? Sometimes I wonder if it is a load of crap as she sucks the money out of me each time. She's a great therapist though, so I don't think she would do that. I just want to know what is going on!

I better get to packing...we will be leaving in a few hours. I hope you all have a superb weekend!


  1. "Is it normal to feel like you have no time in your sessions with your therapist? I feel like I get there and then I'm already leaving. Where does the time go?"

    For DIDers, yes. It usually means you're switching with another alter. If your t is talking to them then that can be a very good thing. It means they trust her enough to come out and tell her things. If you want to know what is going on, just ask your t! I'm sure she would love to tell you :)

  2. Hi, nice to meet you! A little "Bee" pointed me here, and I thank her for that. You write so clearly and openly; I know the process doesn't always go that smoothly, but when it does, it's a gift.

    I just wanted to suggest, ask your therapist if you can tape record your sessions. All of mine were taped in the early years, and it went quite far in convincing me that I really did have alters who were talking to him. It also helps to bridge gaps in therapy because you learn all kinds of stuff -- including stuff you knew and then forgot -- when you play it back later.

    Just an idea. :)

    You're doing great work here!

    Sarah Olson

    PS: I'll be adding your blog to the Dissociation Blog Showcase (URL below) when I do additions on Sunday night.
